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History Book - Dry the River
O peso da História é imenso...
Dry the River
Quinteto folk/alt-country de Londres, onde Peter D'Artagnan Liddle (vocalista/guitarrista) é o grande mentor.
History Book
Like faithful oxen through the chalk,
With dragging tails of history walk.
Soon confuse the compass and the cross.
Carefully and cursively we fill our travelling diaries with loss.
Beneath an angry Bible flood,
Did you and I first learn to love.
In my father's car we came to know.
And shivered in our painted clothes and paired like every animal below.
As heavy as a history book can be,
I will carry it with me, oh Lord.
And maybe when the bitterness has gone,
There'll be sweetness on our tongues once more.
Barefoot in a rowing boat,
You lose your shoes and freeze your toes.
And say I wear my sorrow like a crown.
And throw your arms around my head, and see it there in gold and red and brown.
As heavy as a history book can be,
I will carry it with me, oh Lord.
And maybe when the bitterness has gone,
There'll be sweetness on our tongues once more.
We'll soon forget our parents' names,
Like dogs will drive the wolves away.
And weep with fingertips opposed,
Like a church where nobody congregates.
But sweetness sings in the pasture,
We throw ourselves on the mercy of the earth.
If sand and salt have the answer,
Then the act itself will be louder than the word.
And I'll be on your side.
Dry the River
Quinteto folk/alt-country de Londres, onde Peter D'Artagnan Liddle (vocalista/guitarrista) é o grande mentor.
History Book
Like faithful oxen through the chalk,
With dragging tails of history walk.
Soon confuse the compass and the cross.
Carefully and cursively we fill our travelling diaries with loss.
Beneath an angry Bible flood,
Did you and I first learn to love.
In my father's car we came to know.
And shivered in our painted clothes and paired like every animal below.
As heavy as a history book can be,
I will carry it with me, oh Lord.
And maybe when the bitterness has gone,
There'll be sweetness on our tongues once more.
Barefoot in a rowing boat,
You lose your shoes and freeze your toes.
And say I wear my sorrow like a crown.
And throw your arms around my head, and see it there in gold and red and brown.
As heavy as a history book can be,
I will carry it with me, oh Lord.
And maybe when the bitterness has gone,
There'll be sweetness on our tongues once more.
We'll soon forget our parents' names,
Like dogs will drive the wolves away.
And weep with fingertips opposed,
Like a church where nobody congregates.
But sweetness sings in the pasture,
We throw ourselves on the mercy of the earth.
If sand and salt have the answer,
Then the act itself will be louder than the word.
And I'll be on your side.
Poema da Ética - Elisa Lucinda
Podia ser em Portugal...
Elisa Lucinda
Poetisa, nascida em Vitória (Espírito Santo, Brasil) em 1958, é formada em jornalismo.
Poema da Ética
Meu coração está aos pulos!
Quantas vezes minha esperança será posta à prova?
Por quantas provas terá ela que passar?
Tudo isso que está aí no ar, malas, cuecas que voam entupidas de dinheiro, do meu dinheiro, que reservo duramente para educar os meninos mais pobres que eu, para cuidar gratuitamente da saúde deles e dos seus pais, esse dinheiro viaja na bagagem da impunidade e eu não posso mais.
Quantas vezes, meu amigo, meu rapaz, minha confiança vai ser posta à prova?
Quantas vezes minha esperança vai esperar no cais?
É certo que tempos difíceis existem para aperfeiçoar o aprendiz, mas não é certo que a mentira dos maus brasileiros venha quebrar no nosso nariz.
Meu coração está no escuro, a luz é simples, regada ao conselho simples de meu pai, minha mãe, minha avó e dos justos que os precederam:
"Não roubarás", "Devolva o lápis do coleguinha",
"Esse apontador não é seu, minha filhinha".
Ao invés disso, tanta coisa nojenta e torpe tenho tido que escutar.
Até habeas corpus preventivo, coisa da qual nunca tinha visto falar e sobre a qual minha pobre lógica ainda insiste: esse é o tipo de benefício que só ao culpado interessará.
Pois bem, se mexeram comigo, com a velha e fiel fé do meu povo sofrido, então agora eu vou sacanear: mais honesta ainda vou ficar.
Só de sacanagem!
Dirão: "Deixa de ser boba, desde Cabral que aqui todo o mundo rouba" e eu vou dizer: Não importa, será esse o meu carnaval, vou confiar mais e outra vez. Eu, meu irmão, meu filho e meus amigos, vamos pagar limpo a quem a gente deve e receber limpo do nosso freguês.
Com o tempo a gente consegue ser livre, ético e o escambau.
Dirão: "É inútil, todo o mundo aqui é corrupto, desde o primeiro homem que veio de Portugal".
Eu direi: Não admito, minha esperança é imortal.
Eu repito, ouviram? IMORTAL!
Sei que não dá para mudar o começo mas, se a gente quiser, vai dá para mudar o final!
Elisa Lucinda
Poetisa, nascida em Vitória (Espírito Santo, Brasil) em 1958, é formada em jornalismo.
Poema da Ética
Meu coração está aos pulos!
Quantas vezes minha esperança será posta à prova?
Por quantas provas terá ela que passar?
Tudo isso que está aí no ar, malas, cuecas que voam entupidas de dinheiro, do meu dinheiro, que reservo duramente para educar os meninos mais pobres que eu, para cuidar gratuitamente da saúde deles e dos seus pais, esse dinheiro viaja na bagagem da impunidade e eu não posso mais.
Quantas vezes, meu amigo, meu rapaz, minha confiança vai ser posta à prova?
Quantas vezes minha esperança vai esperar no cais?
É certo que tempos difíceis existem para aperfeiçoar o aprendiz, mas não é certo que a mentira dos maus brasileiros venha quebrar no nosso nariz.
Meu coração está no escuro, a luz é simples, regada ao conselho simples de meu pai, minha mãe, minha avó e dos justos que os precederam:
"Não roubarás", "Devolva o lápis do coleguinha",
"Esse apontador não é seu, minha filhinha".
Ao invés disso, tanta coisa nojenta e torpe tenho tido que escutar.
Até habeas corpus preventivo, coisa da qual nunca tinha visto falar e sobre a qual minha pobre lógica ainda insiste: esse é o tipo de benefício que só ao culpado interessará.
Pois bem, se mexeram comigo, com a velha e fiel fé do meu povo sofrido, então agora eu vou sacanear: mais honesta ainda vou ficar.
Só de sacanagem!
Dirão: "Deixa de ser boba, desde Cabral que aqui todo o mundo rouba" e eu vou dizer: Não importa, será esse o meu carnaval, vou confiar mais e outra vez. Eu, meu irmão, meu filho e meus amigos, vamos pagar limpo a quem a gente deve e receber limpo do nosso freguês.
Com o tempo a gente consegue ser livre, ético e o escambau.
Dirão: "É inútil, todo o mundo aqui é corrupto, desde o primeiro homem que veio de Portugal".
Eu direi: Não admito, minha esperança é imortal.
Eu repito, ouviram? IMORTAL!
Sei que não dá para mudar o começo mas, se a gente quiser, vai dá para mudar o final!
Les Amoureux Aux Marguerites - Marc Chagall
"Na vida, como na paleta de um artista, há uma cor que dá todo o significado à vida e à arte: é a cor do amor" (Marc Chagall)
Marc Chagall
Pintor, ceramista e gravurista surrealista russo-francês, nasceu Vitebsk (Bielorrússia) a 7 de Julho de 1887 e faleceu em Saint-Paul-de-Vence (França) a 28 de Março de 1985.
Les Amoureux Aux Marguerites
Marc Chagall
Pintor, ceramista e gravurista surrealista russo-francês, nasceu Vitebsk (Bielorrússia) a 7 de Julho de 1887 e faleceu em Saint-Paul-de-Vence (França) a 28 de Março de 1985.
Les Amoureux Aux Marguerites
Grade Separation - Collapse Under The Empire
Collapse Under The Empire
Banda Rock Indie Alternativa constituida por Chris Burda e Martin Grimm.
Grade Separation
Collapse Under The Empire
Banda Rock Indie Alternativa constituida por Chris Burda e Martin Grimm.
Grade Separation
People Are Awesome
O Homem consegue fazer coisas extraordinárias...
Canal +8 - Humor Português
Rir, o melhor remédio para esquecer a "crise"...
1º Herman José (Tal Canal)
2º Vasco Santana (O Páteo das Cantigas)
3º Raul Solnado (ZipZip)
4º Ricardo Araújo Pereira (Gato Fedorento)
5º Ivone Silva (As Divinas Comédias)
6º António Silva (Leão da Estrela)
7º José Pedro Gomes e António Feio (Conversa da Treta)
8º João Paulo Rodrigues e Pedro Alves (Telerural)
1º Herman José (Tal Canal)
2º Vasco Santana (O Páteo das Cantigas)
3º Raul Solnado (ZipZip)
4º Ricardo Araújo Pereira (Gato Fedorento)
5º Ivone Silva (As Divinas Comédias)
6º António Silva (Leão da Estrela)
7º José Pedro Gomes e António Feio (Conversa da Treta)
8º João Paulo Rodrigues e Pedro Alves (Telerural)
My Body - Young the Giant
Treino duro, combate fácil...
Young the Giant
Banda rock melodioso de Newport Beach (Califórnia, E.U.A.) constituida pelos jovens Sameer Gadhia (voz), Jacob Tilley (guitarra), Eric Cannata (guitarra/voz), Payam Doostzadeh (baixo) e Francois Comtois (bateria/voz),
My Body
The train is riding
Down to the station where you lived
When we were school kids
The rails are caught now
And I am falling down
Fools in a spiral
Round this town of steam
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
The train is riding
Down to the station where I lived
When I was a cool kid
Is it my fault that
The fallen embers burn
Down in a spiral
Round your crown of thieves
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
And it rides out of town
Oh, it’s my road (X3)
it’s my war (X2)
His eyes are open
It’s my war (X2)
His eyes are open (X2)
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
And it rides out of town
Young the Giant
Banda rock melodioso de Newport Beach (Califórnia, E.U.A.) constituida pelos jovens Sameer Gadhia (voz), Jacob Tilley (guitarra), Eric Cannata (guitarra/voz), Payam Doostzadeh (baixo) e Francois Comtois (bateria/voz),
My Body
The train is riding
Down to the station where you lived
When we were school kids
The rails are caught now
And I am falling down
Fools in a spiral
Round this town of steam
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
The train is riding
Down to the station where I lived
When I was a cool kid
Is it my fault that
The fallen embers burn
Down in a spiral
Round your crown of thieves
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
And it rides out of town
Oh, it’s my road (X3)
it’s my war (X2)
His eyes are open
It’s my war (X2)
His eyes are open (X2)
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
My Body tells me no!
But I won’t quit
I want more, I want more
And it rides out of town
Golden Rock - Thin Lizzy - Dedication
Muito especial... dedicado a ti.
7 Wonders - Alexandria (Egypt)
Uma cidade com História...
1º Cidadela
2º Pilar de Pompeia
3º Biblioteca
4º Monumento Islâmico
5º Teatro Romano
6º Arquitectura
7º As Ruas
1º Cidadela
2º Pilar de Pompeia
4º Monumento Islâmico
5º Teatro Romano
6º Arquitectura
7º As Ruas
Visitado em 2003
Há palavras que fazem bater mais depressa o coração… - Almada Negreiros
Um artista muito versátil...
Almada Negreiros
José Sobral de Almada Negreiros nasceu em Trindade a 7 de Abril de 1893 e faleceu em Lisboa a 15 de Junho de 1970. Foi um artista multidisciplinar, pintor, escritor, poeta, ensaísta, dramaturgo e romancista português ligado ao grupo modernista. Também foi um dos principais colaboradores da Revista Orpheu.
Há palavras que fazem bater mais depressa o coração…
Há palavras que fazem bater mais depressa o coração – todas as palavras – umas mais do que outras, qualquer mais do que todas.
Conforme os lugares e as posições das palavras.
Segundo o lado d'onde se ouvem – do lado do Sol ou do lado onde não dá o Sol.
Cada palavra é um pedaço de universo.
Um pedaço que faz falta ao universo. Todas as palavras juntas formam o Universo.
As palavras querem estar nos seus lugares!
Almada Negreiros
José Sobral de Almada Negreiros nasceu em Trindade a 7 de Abril de 1893 e faleceu em Lisboa a 15 de Junho de 1970. Foi um artista multidisciplinar, pintor, escritor, poeta, ensaísta, dramaturgo e romancista português ligado ao grupo modernista. Também foi um dos principais colaboradores da Revista Orpheu.
Há palavras que fazem bater mais depressa o coração…
Há palavras que fazem bater mais depressa o coração – todas as palavras – umas mais do que outras, qualquer mais do que todas.
Conforme os lugares e as posições das palavras.
Segundo o lado d'onde se ouvem – do lado do Sol ou do lado onde não dá o Sol.
Cada palavra é um pedaço de universo.
Um pedaço que faz falta ao universo. Todas as palavras juntas formam o Universo.
As palavras querem estar nos seus lugares!
Golden Rock - Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday
Um dia especial para uma pessoa muito especial. Parabéns Vicente.
Hey Joe
A guitarra era o centro do universo, e ainda é...
Slash - COVER
Jimi Hendrix - ORIGINAL
Slash - COVER
Jimi Hendrix - ORIGINAL
5 Stars dos ABBA
Alto Astral...
1ª Mamma Mia
2ª Dancing Queen
3ª Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
4ª Honey Honey
5ª Thank You for the Music
1ª Mamma Mia
2ª Dancing Queen
3ª Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
4ª Honey Honey
5ª Thank You for the Music
Night People - The Human League
Que saudades de dançar até de manhã...
The Human League
Banda britânica (Sheffield) New Wave/Synthpop formada no final da década de 1970 (1977), tendo atingido grande popularidade na década de 1980 e regressado depois em meados dos anos 90. É constituida por Philip Oakey (membro original), Joanne Catherall e Susan Ann Sulley.
Night People
Night people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
Know people know; the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
Know people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place ... the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place that only the night people go
People go, the night people go
Night people, night night people
Gather up your skirts and trousers
Put on your best frocks and blouses
Time to go out from your houses
Must we creep round like the mouses?
We are people not just creatures
We can rearrange our features
Think like children not like teachers
Laugh and let the spirit reach us
There is a place ... the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place that only the night people go
People go, the night people go
Night people, night night people
Leave your cornflakes in your freezers
Leave your chocolate and your cheeses
Give to Caesar what is Ceasar's
Give your soul what air it pleases
Hide away from daily rancour
Grab the cheer for which you hanker
Ours the tribe that will not fail you
Join us now, my friends, we hail you!
There is a place ... that only the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Gentle lighting
Warm inviting
Friendly faces make it so exciting
Make it so exciting
So exciting
Night people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people know, the night people know (people)
Night people (people), night night people
(the night people know)
Night people (people), night night people
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
(the night people know)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people (people)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
(the night people know)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
The Human League
Banda britânica (Sheffield) New Wave/Synthpop formada no final da década de 1970 (1977), tendo atingido grande popularidade na década de 1980 e regressado depois em meados dos anos 90. É constituida por Philip Oakey (membro original), Joanne Catherall e Susan Ann Sulley.
Night People
Night people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
Know people know; the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
Know people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place ... the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place that only the night people go
People go, the night people go
Night people, night night people
Gather up your skirts and trousers
Put on your best frocks and blouses
Time to go out from your houses
Must we creep round like the mouses?
We are people not just creatures
We can rearrange our features
Think like children not like teachers
Laugh and let the spirit reach us
There is a place ... the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
There is a place that only the night people go
People go, the night people go
Night people, night night people
Leave your cornflakes in your freezers
Leave your chocolate and your cheeses
Give to Caesar what is Ceasar's
Give your soul what air it pleases
Hide away from daily rancour
Grab the cheer for which you hanker
Ours the tribe that will not fail you
Join us now, my friends, we hail you!
There is a place ... that only the night people know
People know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Gentle lighting
Warm inviting
Friendly faces make it so exciting
Make it so exciting
So exciting
Night people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people know, the night people know (people)
Night people (people), night night people
(the night people know)
Night people (people), night night people
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Get away, get away, get away, get away, I wanna know, I wanna go!
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
(the night people know)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people (people)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
(the night people know)
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Ally Mcbeal - Barry White Dance
Há momentos únicos em televisão...
Golden Rock - Manfred Mann - Blinded By The Light
Terá sido o início do electro-rock?
Jerk It Out - Caesars
A revolução continua...
Banda de Pop/Rock da Suécia (Estocolmo) composta por César Vidal (voz), Jocke Ahrklend (guitarra), David Lindquist (baixo) e Nino Kellar (bateria).
Jerk It Out
Wind me up
put me down
start me off and watch me go
I'll be running circles around you sooner than you know
A little off center
and i'm out of tune
just kickin this can along the avenue
But i'm alright
coz it's easy once you know how it's done
you can't stop now
it's already begun
you feel it
running through your bones
and you jerk it out
jerk it out
shut up
hush your mouth
can't you hear you talk to loud?
No I can't hear nothing 'cause I got my head up in the clouds
I bite off anything that I can chew
I'm chasing cars up and down the avenue
But that's ok
coz it's easy once you know how it's done
you can't stop now
it's already begun
you feel it
running through your bones
so you jerk it out
jerk it out
Banda de Pop/Rock da Suécia (Estocolmo) composta por César Vidal (voz), Jocke Ahrklend (guitarra), David Lindquist (baixo) e Nino Kellar (bateria).
Jerk It Out
Wind me up
put me down
start me off and watch me go
I'll be running circles around you sooner than you know
A little off center
and i'm out of tune
just kickin this can along the avenue
But i'm alright
coz it's easy once you know how it's done
you can't stop now
it's already begun
you feel it
running through your bones
and you jerk it out
jerk it out
shut up
hush your mouth
can't you hear you talk to loud?
No I can't hear nothing 'cause I got my head up in the clouds
I bite off anything that I can chew
I'm chasing cars up and down the avenue
But that's ok
coz it's easy once you know how it's done
you can't stop now
it's already begun
you feel it
running through your bones
so you jerk it out
jerk it out
Top 10 do Electro-Rock
1º Prodigy (Breathe)
2º Chemical Brothers (Galvanize)
3º Fatboy Slim (Right Here, Right Now)
4º New Order (Crystal)
5º Underworld (Born Slippy)
6º Daft Punk (Technologic)
7º Gorillaz (Feel Good Inc)
8º Propellerheads (History Repeating)
9º The Crystal Method (Trip Like I Do)
10º Young Gods (Kissing The Sun)
1º Prodigy (Breathe)
2º Chemical Brothers (Galvanize)
3º Fatboy Slim (Right Here, Right Now)
4º New Order (Crystal)
5º Underworld (Born Slippy)
6º Daft Punk (Technologic)
7º Gorillaz (Feel Good Inc)
8º Propellerheads (History Repeating)
9º The Crystal Method (Trip Like I Do)
10º Young Gods (Kissing The Sun)
The Keeper - Bonobo + Andreya Triana
Simon Green é um músico Britânico, produtor e DJ.
Andreya Triana
Cantora trip hop, é uma cantora experimental e autodidacta, de Londres (Reino Unido).
The Keeper
I know she said,
I don't need her,
because everytime I call,
she's sitting sweeter,
I know she said,
to get near her,
but I'm feeling cold,
and I must leave her.
Sat down here with my head hung down
and I just seem to find
a bit of peace,
a bit love,
a bit of something left behind.
Sat down here less intentions,
nothing said, nothing lied,
a bit of peace,
a bit of love,
a bit of something left inside.
And my heart's content,
I said I dont please her,
happiness is on her face,
it's the mind that greets her,
only my disgrace,
to admit I need her,
but we all fall from grace,
dust me down and keep her.
Sat down here with my head hung down
and I just seem to find
a bit of peace,
a bit love,
a bit of something left behind.
Sat down here less intentions,
nothing said, nothing lied,
a bit of peace,
a bit of love,
a bit of something left inside.
We can go on...
Beause we can go on living this way...
Simon Green é um músico Britânico, produtor e DJ.
Andreya Triana
Cantora trip hop, é uma cantora experimental e autodidacta, de Londres (Reino Unido).
The Keeper
I know she said,
I don't need her,
because everytime I call,
she's sitting sweeter,
I know she said,
to get near her,
but I'm feeling cold,
and I must leave her.
Sat down here with my head hung down
and I just seem to find
a bit of peace,
a bit love,
a bit of something left behind.
Sat down here less intentions,
nothing said, nothing lied,
a bit of peace,
a bit of love,
a bit of something left inside.
And my heart's content,
I said I dont please her,
happiness is on her face,
it's the mind that greets her,
only my disgrace,
to admit I need her,
but we all fall from grace,
dust me down and keep her.
Sat down here with my head hung down
and I just seem to find
a bit of peace,
a bit love,
a bit of something left behind.
Sat down here less intentions,
nothing said, nothing lied,
a bit of peace,
a bit of love,
a bit of something left inside.
We can go on...
Beause we can go on living this way...
O Charleston é uma dança dos anos 20, que apareceu pouco depois da 1ª Guerra Mundial, sendo um divertimento dos cabarés, onde as mulheres dançavam e mostravam mais as pernas porque as saias eram mais curtas.
O Charleston é uma dança dos anos 20, que apareceu pouco depois da 1ª Guerra Mundial, sendo um divertimento dos cabarés, onde as mulheres dançavam e mostravam mais as pernas porque as saias eram mais curtas.
Busy (for me) - Aurea
Ocupada? Nunca é tarde...
Jovem cantora portuguesa de Gospel/Jazz.
Busy (for me)
I Tried To Call You
But You Dindn´t Answer The Phone
I Tried To Pick You Up
But You Dindn´t Come Along
I Tried To Talk To You
But You Dindn´t Even Answer Me
I Tried To Reach You
But You´re So High Up Above
Oh Baby
I Try Everyday
I Cry Every Night
For a Second Of Your Time
But You´re So Busy For Me
You Don´t Care For My Plea
So I Cry.Cry.Cry,Cry...
I Tried To Tease You
But You Didn´t Even Care
I Tried To Love You
But Your Heart Closed Its Doors
Oh Baby
I Try Everyday
I Cry Every Night
For a Second Of Your Time
But You´re So Busy For Me
You Don´t Care For My Plea
So I Cry.Cry.Cry,Cry...
So You Didn´t Come Along
You Didn´t Answer
You Didn´t Care
You Closed Your Heart For Me
(I Tried To Call You... Pick Up The Phone)
You´re So Busy...
Jovem cantora portuguesa de Gospel/Jazz.
Busy (for me)
I Tried To Call You
But You Dindn´t Answer The Phone
I Tried To Pick You Up
But You Dindn´t Come Along
I Tried To Talk To You
But You Dindn´t Even Answer Me
I Tried To Reach You
But You´re So High Up Above
Oh Baby
I Try Everyday
I Cry Every Night
For a Second Of Your Time
But You´re So Busy For Me
You Don´t Care For My Plea
So I Cry.Cry.Cry,Cry...
I Tried To Tease You
But You Didn´t Even Care
I Tried To Love You
But Your Heart Closed Its Doors
Oh Baby
I Try Everyday
I Cry Every Night
For a Second Of Your Time
But You´re So Busy For Me
You Don´t Care For My Plea
So I Cry.Cry.Cry,Cry...
So You Didn´t Come Along
You Didn´t Answer
You Didn´t Care
You Closed Your Heart For Me
(I Tried To Call You... Pick Up The Phone)
You´re So Busy...
5 Stars da Elis Regina
A musicalidade em pessoa...
1ª Romaria
2º Águas de Março
3ª Atrás da Porta
4ª O Bebado e A Equilibrista
5ª Estrada do Sol
1ª Romaria
2º Águas de Março
3ª Atrás da Porta
4ª O Bebado e A Equilibrista
5ª Estrada do Sol
Sala 10 dos Filmes de Africa
Que vai a Africa nunca esquece...
1º Out of Africa (1986)
2º The Constant Gardener (2005)
3º The Last King of Scotland (2006)
4º Hotel Rwanda (2004)
5º The English Patient (1996)
6º Blood Diamonds (2006)
7º Gorillas in the Mist (1988)
8º Lord of War (2005)
9º Cry Freedom (1987)
10º Beyond Borders (2003)
1º Out of Africa (1986)
2º The Constant Gardener (2005)
3º The Last King of Scotland (2006)
4º Hotel Rwanda (2004)
5º The English Patient (1996)
6º Blood Diamonds (2006)
7º Gorillas in the Mist (1988)
8º Lord of War (2005)
9º Cry Freedom (1987)
10º Beyond Borders (2003)
Blitz - Digitalism
Que saudades de dançar...
Banda Alemã de Electro-house / Dance-punk de Hamburg constituida por Jens "Jence" Moelle e İsmail "Isi" Tüfekçi.
Banda Alemã de Electro-house / Dance-punk de Hamburg constituida por Jens "Jence" Moelle e İsmail "Isi" Tüfekçi.
Golden Rock - Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself
Isto é o que ando a tentar à muito... neste blog.
Cântico Negro - José Régio
Um poema de mudança...
José Régio
Pseudônimo literário de José Maria dos Reis Pereira, nasceu em Vila do Conde em 1901, poeta, romancista, dramaturgo, ensaísta e crítico.
Cântico Negro
Vem por aqui" — dizem-me alguns com os olhos doces
Estendendo-me os braços, e seguros
De que seria bom que eu os ouvisse
Quando me dizem: "vem por aqui!"
Eu olho-os com olhos lassos,
(Há, nos olhos meus, ironias e cansaços)
E cruzo os braços,
E nunca vou por ali...
A minha glória é esta:
Criar desumanidades!
Não acompanhar ninguém.
— Que eu vivo com o mesmo sem-vontade
Com que rasguei o ventre à minha mãe
Não, não vou por aí! Só vou por onde
Me levam meus próprios passos...
Se ao que busco saber nenhum de vós responde
Por que me repetis: "vem por aqui!"?
Prefiro escorregar nos becos lamacentos,
Redemoinhar aos ventos,
Como farrapos, arrastar os pés sangrentos,
A ir por aí...
Se vim ao mundo, foi
Só para desflorar florestas virgens,
E desenhar meus próprios pés na areia inexplorada!
O mais que faço não vale nada.
Como, pois, sereis vós
Que me dareis impulsos, ferramentas e coragem
Para eu derrubar os meus obstáculos?...
Corre, nas vossas veias, sangue velho dos avós,
E vós amais o que é fácil!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
Amo os abismos, as torrentes, os desertos...
Ide! Tendes estradas,
Tendes jardins, tendes canteiros,
Tendes pátria, tendes tetos,
E tendes regras, e tratados, e filósofos, e sábios...
Eu tenho a minha Loucura !
Levanto-a, como um facho, a arder na noite escura,
E sinto espuma, e sangue, e cânticos nos lábios...
Deus e o Diabo é que guiam, mais ninguém!
Todos tiveram pai, todos tiveram mãe;
Mas eu, que nunca principio nem acabo,
Nasci do amor que há entre Deus e o Diabo.
Ah, que ninguém me dê piedosas intenções,
Ninguém me peça definições!
Ninguém me diga: "vem por aqui"!
A minha vida é um vendaval que se soltou,
É uma onda que se alevantou,
É um átomo a mais que se animou...
Não sei por onde vou,
Não sei para onde vou
Sei que não vou por aí!
José Régio
Pseudônimo literário de José Maria dos Reis Pereira, nasceu em Vila do Conde em 1901, poeta, romancista, dramaturgo, ensaísta e crítico.
Cântico Negro
Vem por aqui" — dizem-me alguns com os olhos doces
Estendendo-me os braços, e seguros
De que seria bom que eu os ouvisse
Quando me dizem: "vem por aqui!"
Eu olho-os com olhos lassos,
(Há, nos olhos meus, ironias e cansaços)
E cruzo os braços,
E nunca vou por ali...
A minha glória é esta:
Criar desumanidades!
Não acompanhar ninguém.
— Que eu vivo com o mesmo sem-vontade
Com que rasguei o ventre à minha mãe
Não, não vou por aí! Só vou por onde
Me levam meus próprios passos...
Se ao que busco saber nenhum de vós responde
Por que me repetis: "vem por aqui!"?
Prefiro escorregar nos becos lamacentos,
Redemoinhar aos ventos,
Como farrapos, arrastar os pés sangrentos,
A ir por aí...
Se vim ao mundo, foi
Só para desflorar florestas virgens,
E desenhar meus próprios pés na areia inexplorada!
O mais que faço não vale nada.
Como, pois, sereis vós
Que me dareis impulsos, ferramentas e coragem
Para eu derrubar os meus obstáculos?...
Corre, nas vossas veias, sangue velho dos avós,
E vós amais o que é fácil!
Eu amo o Longe e a Miragem,
Amo os abismos, as torrentes, os desertos...
Ide! Tendes estradas,
Tendes jardins, tendes canteiros,
Tendes pátria, tendes tetos,
E tendes regras, e tratados, e filósofos, e sábios...
Eu tenho a minha Loucura !
Levanto-a, como um facho, a arder na noite escura,
E sinto espuma, e sangue, e cânticos nos lábios...
Deus e o Diabo é que guiam, mais ninguém!
Todos tiveram pai, todos tiveram mãe;
Mas eu, que nunca principio nem acabo,
Nasci do amor que há entre Deus e o Diabo.
Ah, que ninguém me dê piedosas intenções,
Ninguém me peça definições!
Ninguém me diga: "vem por aqui"!
A minha vida é um vendaval que se soltou,
É uma onda que se alevantou,
É um átomo a mais que se animou...
Não sei por onde vou,
Não sei para onde vou
Sei que não vou por aí!
I'm Free
Sou mesmo? Não me parece...
Soup Dragons - COVER
The Rolling Stones - ORIGINAL
Soup Dragons - COVER
The Rolling Stones - ORIGINAL
If You Want It - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Mais uma "dança" inacabada...
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Banda synth pop de Wirral (Reino Unido), constituida por Andy McCluskey e Paul Humphreys.
If You Want It
One by one the walls come down
Spread the word all over town
Kicking screaming like I’ll drown
Can’t you see I’m fallin
I want you, do you want me
What’s it take to make you see
Like bomb that ticking endlessly
Can’t you hear me callin
Will you, won’t you, come with me
Wishin hoping that you’ll see.
If you want it, it will come
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
Tell me what I need to know
If you don’t want this then I’ll go
Insane but I won’t let it show
Don’t let me walk away
Will you, won’t you, come with me
Wishing hoping that you’ll see.
If you want it, it will come
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
If I could make you start to understand
If I could only make you see
What this all means to me oooh oh
Let it in inside your heart
Set your mind and spirit free
Show me show me shoooow me (show meee!)
(Ooooh oooooh)
If you want it, it will come,
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Banda synth pop de Wirral (Reino Unido), constituida por Andy McCluskey e Paul Humphreys.
If You Want It
One by one the walls come down
Spread the word all over town
Kicking screaming like I’ll drown
Can’t you see I’m fallin
I want you, do you want me
What’s it take to make you see
Like bomb that ticking endlessly
Can’t you hear me callin
Will you, won’t you, come with me
Wishin hoping that you’ll see.
If you want it, it will come
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
Tell me what I need to know
If you don’t want this then I’ll go
Insane but I won’t let it show
Don’t let me walk away
Will you, won’t you, come with me
Wishing hoping that you’ll see.
If you want it, it will come
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
If I could make you start to understand
If I could only make you see
What this all means to me oooh oh
Let it in inside your heart
Set your mind and spirit free
Show me show me shoooow me (show meee!)
(Ooooh oooooh)
If you want it, it will come,
Through the rain and burning sun
Over hills and far away
Nothing stops this, not today
Take a chance on me tonight
Baby it’ll be alright
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing lost but all the tears and pain
7 Wonders - Sª Maria de Belém do Grão Pará (Brasil)
Onde começa/acaba a Amazónia...
1º Mercado de Ver-o-Peso
2º Parque Goeldi
3º Casa das 11 Janelas
4º Estação das Docas
5º Teatro da Paz
6º Igreja Nossa Senhora da Graça
7º Igreja de Santo Alexandre e Museu de Arte Sacra
1º Mercado de Ver-o-Peso
2º Parque Goeldi
3º Casa das 11 Janelas
4º Estação das Docas
5º Teatro da Paz
6º Igreja Nossa Senhora da Graça
7º Igreja de Santo Alexandre e Museu de Arte Sacra
Visitado em 2005
The Drug - Röyksopp
Muito inovador...
Banda de música eletrónica heterogenia de Tromsø (Noruega), formada por Torbjørn Brundtland e Svein Berge.
The Drug
Banda de música eletrónica heterogenia de Tromsø (Noruega), formada por Torbjørn Brundtland e Svein Berge.
The Drug
Golden Rock - The Shirts - Laugh And Walk Away
Ritmo frenético...
Caprice No. 24 - Paganini
Niccolò Paganini
Compositor e violinísta que nasceu em Génova a 27 de Outubro 1782 e faleceu em Nice a 27 de Maio 1840.
Caprice No. 24
Niccolò Paganini
Compositor e violinísta que nasceu em Génova a 27 de Outubro 1782 e faleceu em Nice a 27 de Maio 1840.
Caprice No. 24
National Ransom - Elvis Costello
O novo/velho Costello...
Elvis Costello
Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus nascido em Londres (Reino Unido) a 25 de Agosto de 1954 é um cantor, compositor e músico britânico.
National Ransom
Runnin' pell-mell and harum-scarum
Runnin' as hot as they do or dare
Stick out your tongue and drink down all the venom
Off Cut-Throat Cuthbert and Millicent St.Cy
From the real old Macau
To the new False Americas
In the liberated territories
Unusual suspects shake down
Shake down, shake down
Various dubious characters
Mother's in the kitchen pickin' bones for breakfast
Boilin' them down by the bushel and the score
Pull out your thumb and count what's left on your fist
There's a wolf at the window with a ravenin' maw
Did you find how to lie?
Did you find out how to cheat?
The elite bleat, they're obsolete
So are your prospects
Exact, perfect object?
Now if you'd only genuflect
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
Woe betide all this hocus-pocus
They're runnin' us ragged at their first attempt
Around the time the killin' stopped on Wall St.
You couldn't hold me, baby, with anythin' but contempt
Letters peal slowly from our speech
The Claxton attempts to preach
Stretchin' out for stars still out of reach
Drownin', flailin', outside
Someone's wailin'
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
Elvis Costello
Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus nascido em Londres (Reino Unido) a 25 de Agosto de 1954 é um cantor, compositor e músico britânico.
National Ransom
Runnin' pell-mell and harum-scarum
Runnin' as hot as they do or dare
Stick out your tongue and drink down all the venom
Off Cut-Throat Cuthbert and Millicent St.Cy
From the real old Macau
To the new False Americas
In the liberated territories
Unusual suspects shake down
Shake down, shake down
Various dubious characters
Mother's in the kitchen pickin' bones for breakfast
Boilin' them down by the bushel and the score
Pull out your thumb and count what's left on your fist
There's a wolf at the window with a ravenin' maw
Did you find how to lie?
Did you find out how to cheat?
The elite bleat, they're obsolete
So are your prospects
Exact, perfect object?
Now if you'd only genuflect
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
Woe betide all this hocus-pocus
They're runnin' us ragged at their first attempt
Around the time the killin' stopped on Wall St.
You couldn't hold me, baby, with anythin' but contempt
Letters peal slowly from our speech
The Claxton attempts to preach
Stretchin' out for stars still out of reach
Drownin', flailin', outside
Someone's wailin'
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
They're runnin' wild just like some
Childish tantrum
Meanwhile we're workin' every day
Payin' off the National Ransom
Top 10 da Música Francesa
Para quem sabe de música...
1º Non Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaf
2º Les Feuilles Mortes - Yves Montand
3º Je t'aime moi non plus - Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg
4º Et Si Tu N`Existais Pas - Joe Dassin
5º Et maintenant - Gilbert Bécaud
6º La belle vie - Sacha Distel
7º Comme d'habitude - Claude François
8º Donne Moi Ma Chance - Richard Anthony
9º Et pourtant - Charles Aznavour
10º La Nuit - Salvatore Adamo
1º Non Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaf
2º Les Feuilles Mortes - Yves Montand
3º Je t'aime moi non plus - Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg
4º Et Si Tu N`Existais Pas - Joe Dassin
5º Et maintenant - Gilbert Bécaud
6º La belle vie - Sacha Distel
7º Comme d'habitude - Claude François
8º Donne Moi Ma Chance - Richard Anthony
9º Et pourtant - Charles Aznavour
10º La Nuit - Salvatore Adamo
5 Stars de Jacques Brel
Um poeta, um actor, um compositor, um cantor...
1ª Ne me quitte pas
2ª Amsterdam
3ª Au Suivant
4ª Les Bourgeois
5ª Mathilde
1ª Ne me quitte pas
2ª Amsterdam
3ª Au Suivant
4ª Les Bourgeois
5ª Mathilde
Golden Rock - Honeymoon Suite - Love Changes Everything
Navegar no Rock...
Take on Me
Recriar a música...
Reel Big Fish - COVER
Reel Big Fish - COVER
Get Some - Lykke Li
Tenho que sair...
Lykke Li
Cantora de indie rock Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson, nascida em 18 de Março de 1986, na cidade de Ystad (Suécia).
Get Some
Dont pull your pants before i go down
Dont turn away this is my time
Dont make demands I dont take none
Just say a prayer that it gone get done
Dont pull your pants before i go down
Dont turn away this is my time
Like the shotgun need an outcome
I'm your prostitute, you gon get some
Like the shotgun need an outcome
I'm your prostitute, you gon get some
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
like a lonely lovers charm
And cause i can I'm gon' got west
Just like a man Im the fortress
Like the shotgun I cant be outdone
I'm your prostitute, you gon' get some
Like the shotgun needs an outcome
I'm your prostitue, you gone get some
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
(Go head go, Go head go ...)
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
Lykke Li
Cantora de indie rock Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson, nascida em 18 de Março de 1986, na cidade de Ystad (Suécia).
Get Some
Dont pull your pants before i go down
Dont turn away this is my time
Dont make demands I dont take none
Just say a prayer that it gone get done
Dont pull your pants before i go down
Dont turn away this is my time
Like the shotgun need an outcome
I'm your prostitute, you gon get some
Like the shotgun need an outcome
I'm your prostitute, you gon get some
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
like a lonely lovers charm
And cause i can I'm gon' got west
Just like a man Im the fortress
Like the shotgun I cant be outdone
I'm your prostitute, you gon' get some
Like the shotgun needs an outcome
I'm your prostitue, you gone get some
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
(Go head go, Go head go ...)
Go head go away low, but here i can do no harm
Go ahead go away low in my honey lovin arms
Go ahead go away low, where i can do no wrong
Got you around my finger like a lonely lovers charm
Well, Well, Well - Duffy
Uma musa...
Aimée Ann Duffy nascida a 23 de Junho de 1984 em Nefyn (País de Gales), cantora, compositora e actriz.
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well (x4)
Highly suspicious, where was I last night
Seek and you shall find
And it goes in my mind, you make me draw the line
I didn't commit any crime
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
When I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not that cagey
But I don't need to explain
There's nothing to blame
Anekatips you'll only drive me away
There's so many questions everyday
You make me go insane
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
When I'm not guilty, of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty, of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
I'm not guilty (I'm not guilty)
of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty (I'm not guilty)
of what you're saying I do
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Well Well Well
Aimée Ann Duffy nascida a 23 de Junho de 1984 em Nefyn (País de Gales), cantora, compositora e actriz.
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well (x4)
Highly suspicious, where was I last night
Seek and you shall find
And it goes in my mind, you make me draw the line
I didn't commit any crime
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
When I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not that cagey
But I don't need to explain
There's nothing to blame
Anekatips you'll only drive me away
There's so many questions everyday
You make me go insane
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
When I'm not guilty, of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty, of what you're saying I do
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
I'm not guilty (I'm not guilty)
of what you're saying I do
I'm not guilty (I'm not guilty)
of what you're saying I do
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Why you giving me the third degree?
Well Well Well
Golden Rock - Devo - Whip It
Grande batida...
7 Wonders - Firenze (Italia)
Uma cidade cheia de arte...
1º Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore
3º Ponte de Vecchio
4º Piazzale Michelangelo
5º Piazza D. Santíssima Annunziata
Visitado em 2010
Black Tears - Hands on Approach + Ana Free
A banda do meu tempo... de Setúbal
Hands on Approach
Banda portuguesa de pop/rock, constituida por Rui David, Sérgio André Mendes, João Luís e João Coelho.
Black Tears
Can't run; got nowhere to hide
Broken heart; no way to survive
Cannot hide, war inside
Question mark, is something in place?
Another tear falls on your face
You can't hide, war inside
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Can't stay, as you did before
A bleeding heart left on the floor
Cannot hide, war inside
Question mark, is something in place?
Another tear falls on your face
You can't hide, war inside
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Can't run, got nowhere to hide
Move on, move on
Move on!
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Hands on Approach
Banda portuguesa de pop/rock, constituida por Rui David, Sérgio André Mendes, João Luís e João Coelho.
Black Tears
Can't run; got nowhere to hide
Broken heart; no way to survive
Cannot hide, war inside
Question mark, is something in place?
Another tear falls on your face
You can't hide, war inside
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Can't stay, as you did before
A bleeding heart left on the floor
Cannot hide, war inside
Question mark, is something in place?
Another tear falls on your face
You can't hide, war inside
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Can't run, got nowhere to hide
Move on, move on
Move on!
Black tears fall on your face
A beating heart, has gone out of place
This time rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Small fight, got out of hand
That, won't lie, you cannot amend
This is why, rainy eyes can't dry, dry
Big In Japan
Força e harmonia...
Guano Apes - COVER
Alphaville - ORIGINAL
Guano Apes - COVER
Alphaville - ORIGINAL
5 Stars dos Joy Division
1ª Love Will Tear Us Apart
2ª She's Lost Control
3ª Ceremony
4ª Dead Souls
5ª Transmission
1ª Love Will Tear Us Apart
2ª She's Lost Control
3ª Ceremony
4ª Dead Souls
5ª Transmission
Derezzed - Daft Punk
The best...
Daft Punk
Banda de música eletrónica constituída pelos músicos franceses Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo e Thomas Bangalter.
Daft Punk
Banda de música eletrónica constituída pelos músicos franceses Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo e Thomas Bangalter.
Golden Rock - John Cougar - Hurts So Good
O melhor do Rock...
Top 10 do Grunge
Deprimente e fascinante...
1º Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
2º Pearl Jam - Even Flow
3º Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole
4º Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
5º Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
6º The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
The Smashing Pumpkins Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Carregado por lechacal. - Videos de musica, clipes, entrevista das artistas, shows e muito mais.
7º Sonic Youth - Silver Rocket
8º Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line
9º L7 - Pretend We're Dead
10º Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
1º Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
2º Pearl Jam - Even Flow
3º Alice In Chains - Down In A Hole
4º Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
5º Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
6º The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
The Smashing Pumpkins Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Carregado por lechacal. - Videos de musica, clipes, entrevista das artistas, shows e muito mais.
7º Sonic Youth - Silver Rocket
8º Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line
9º L7 - Pretend We're Dead
10º Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Ao Deus Dará - Balla
Banda portuguesa de pop alternativo, que surgiu em 2000, constituida por Armando Teixeira (voz), Paulo Souza (guitarra), Ricardo Vasconcelos (teclas), Tiago Dias (baixo) e Lito (bateria).
Ao Deus Dará
Banda portuguesa de pop alternativo, que surgiu em 2000, constituida por Armando Teixeira (voz), Paulo Souza (guitarra), Ricardo Vasconcelos (teclas), Tiago Dias (baixo) e Lito (bateria).
Ao Deus Dará
Jorge da Capadócia
Sou indestrutível...
Caetano Veloso - COVER
Racionais MC's - COVER
Fernanda Abreu - COVER
Jorge Ben - ORIGINAL
Caetano Veloso - COVER
Racionais MC's - COVER
Fernanda Abreu - COVER
Jorge Ben - ORIGINAL
Black Rain - Soundgarden
O regresso aguardado dos senhores do rock...
Banda de rock norte-americana de Seattle, formada em 1984, constituida por Chris Cornell, Kim Thayil, Matt Cameron e Ben Shepherd.
Black Rain
If I could hug my love, could I try
For your wings to cover me, unless I fall
Half alive I hurt the most brilliant lie
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn
Can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a black day
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
If I could hug my love, could I try
For your wings to cover me, unless I fall
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn
You can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a black day
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
Cry on, cry on black rain
Black rain, cry on, black rain
(Cry on, cry on)
You can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood that's running from a black day
Banda de rock norte-americana de Seattle, formada em 1984, constituida por Chris Cornell, Kim Thayil, Matt Cameron e Ben Shepherd.
Black Rain
If I could hug my love, could I try
For your wings to cover me, unless I fall
Half alive I hurt the most brilliant lie
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn
Can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a black day
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
If I could hug my love, could I try
For your wings to cover me, unless I fall
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn
You can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a black day
Cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
Cry on, cry on black rain
Black rain, cry on, black rain
(Cry on, cry on)
You can’t stutter when you’re talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood that's running from a black day
Golden Rock - Golden Earring - Radar Love
Outros tempos...
5 Stars de Lenny Kravitz
Um homem dos 7 instrumentos...
1ª Are You Gonna Go My Way
2ª I Belong To You
3ª Again
4ª It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
5ª If You Can't Say No
1ª Are You Gonna Go My Way
2ª I Belong To You
3ª Again
4ª It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
5ª If You Can't Say No
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